还津阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  Fields of Gold 金色麦田,自然之美   Fields of Gold   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley1   You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we walk in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你的记忆中浮现   漫步于金色的原野   你会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   So she took her love for to gaze awhile   Upon the fields of barley   In his arms she fell as her hair came down   Among the fields of gold   带上她的至爱   凝望这片金色的麦田   倾倒在他的臂弯   发丝在原野中飘散   Will you stay with me, will you be my love   Among the fields of barley?   We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we lie in fields of gold   你可愿意停留,为我所爱   在这金色的原野间   躺在它的怀抱   我们会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   See the west wind move like a lover so   Upon the fields of barley   Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth   Among the fields of gold   看那西风拂过麦田   如情人般走近又走远   吻她?感受她身体浮起在   这金色的原野间   I never made promises lightly   And there have been some that I've broken   But I swear in the days still left   We'll walk in fields of gold   We'll walk in fields of gold   我不会轻易许愿   我也曾打破诺言   然而这一次我发誓   让我们在金色的原野里   度过有生之年   Many years have passed since those summer days   Among the fields of barley   See the children run as the sun goes down   Among the fields of gold   那些夏日逝去   时光一去不返   看那金色的原野里   孩子嬉闹奔跑在落日前   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley   You can tell the sun in his jealous sky   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你记忆中浮现   你可告诉嫉妒的太阳   我们曾如何漫步在   这金色的原野间   这金色的原野间!


  一首很重口味的歌曲【booty music】——歌手deep side


  射手的歌:bon jovi - it's my life. 摇滚和高节奏就是我们的生活! 不是么, 处女的歌:chicago - look away 爱你太深!所以才希望不必看着你! 天蝎的歌:m2m - don't say you love me 我爱我所爱、如果我不爱你,你也9411不要说爱上我了! 双子的歌:mikaila - so in love with two 我们比射手还花耶、一次爱两个!!有错吗? 摩羯的歌:celine dion - my heart will go on 忠诚的摩羯! 狮子的歌:savage garden - i want you 你就是我的,因为 我是霸道的狮子 :) 天枰的歌:sting - desert rose 沙漠的玫瑰,完美如你 :) 白羊的歌:backstreet boys - quit playing games with my heart 其实?、3891孩子一样贪玩的白羊。、心也有累了的一天?哪儿是属于她的怀抱呢, 金牛的歌:b*witched - i shall be there 遵守诺1378言的金牛、!总是在那里! 巨蟹的歌:alanis morissett - all i really want alanis morissett比较angry而冷静的歌声?很象你这只小磅蟹噢、 你的脾气是不是有坏坏的了! 水瓶的歌:sarah mclachlan - building a mystery 你只能被吸引你的人吸引、其实你也如此追求完美 安静的你,总让我们以为。?你是不是 在创造一个神秘的故事 :) 双鱼的歌:98 degrees - the hardest thing 一次爱上两个人不是你的错?拒绝一个爱你的人,因为你已经有所爱?仍然是世界上最难得 事情啊? 。


  你说的儿歌应该是这首吧``   1.head, shoulders, knees and toes   Shoulders 、shoulders……now, touch your shoulders.   Head,head,now,touch your head.   knees,knees,now,touch your knees.   toes,toes,now,touch your toes.   还有一首   2.Head and Shoulders   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   eyes and ears and mouth and nose.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   eyes and ears and mouth and nose.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   eyes and ears and mouth and nose.   Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.   另外单单有小手的儿歌   3.Hands   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My mom's hands are chopping the food.   Chop! Chop! Chopping the food.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My dad's hands are washing dishes.   Wash! Wash! Washing dishes.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My grandma's hands are petting the cat.   Pet! Pet! Petting the cat.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My grandpa's hands are picking vegetables.   Pick! Pick! Picking vegetables.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My neighbor's hands are cutting the tree.   Cut! Cut! Cutting the tree.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My friend's hands are catching the ball.   Catch! Catch! Catching the ball.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My sister's hands are typing a letter   Type! Type! Typing the letter.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My teacher's hands are writing on the board.   Write! Write! Writing on the board.   Hands, Hands, what do they do?   My hands are clapping to the music.   Clap! Clap! Clapping my hands.   希望能帮到你``^_^、


Visionary Heart 记得采纳啊 ,

天蝎座遇上天蝎座的老板— —|||

   怎么说呢、天蝎座本身就是一0546个很要强的星座。自尊心极强 好胜心也极强!   同一个星座的人,性格不会完全一样,截然不同的性格也有很多!所以你和你老板处的怎么样?关键还是要看你们的默契度和认知度、天蝎座的人碰到一起大多都客客气气的?若是老板对你不怎么友好!你可以用实际成绩证明给功看。天蝎座的人 遇强则强!如果她一旦认可7273你的能力了 你们之间的关系也会越来越和谐、   作为一个天蝎座,我觉得天蝎座并不难相处、也没那么腹黑、也许只是保护自己的一种方式、   人生需要点精彩!不妨换个工作!就当是磨练下自己的性格?搞不好你的天蝎座老板得知你也是天蝎会特别照顾你呢~我就是的~!


  (1)在古希腊时代,海神波塞顿的儿子奥立安是位有名的斗士,不仅是美少年,而且体格强壮,所以相当有女人缘.他本人也相当自豪,还曾大言不惭地公告天下世界上没有比之更棒的人!   赫拉女神听到后相当不悦,乃派出一只勇敢的天蝎去抓奥立安并放逐到原来的地方.天蝎悄无声息地溜到毫不知情的奥立安身边,以毒针刺向其脚后跟,奥立安根本来不及反应,就已气绝身亡.天蝎也因此殊勋成了天上的星座.即使现在,只要天蝎座从东方升起,奥立安座(猎户座)就赶紧向西方地平线隐藏沉没.   (2)太阳神阿波罗的儿子--巴野顿,天生美丽而性感?他自己也因此感到自负、态度总是傲慢而无礼!太过好强的个性常使他无意间得罪了不少人?有一天?有个人告诉巴野顿说:“你并非太阳神的儿子!”说完大笑扬长而去?好强的巴野顿怎能吞得下这口气,于是便问自己的母亲:“我到底是不是阿波罗的儿子呢,”但是不管母亲如何再三保证他的确就是阿波罗所生。巴野顿仍然不相信他的母亲、于是说:“取笑你的人是宙斯的儿子 地位很高?如果仍然不相信?3707那么去问太阳神阿波罗自己吧。”   阿波罗听了自己儿子的疑问。笑着说:“别听他们胡说。你当然是我的儿子!”    巴野顿仍执意不信!其实他当然知道太阳神从不说慌?可是他却另有目的--要求驾驶父亲的太阳车,以证明自己就是阿波罗的儿子!“这怎么行!”6128阿波罗大惊 太阳是万物生息的主宰!一不小心就会酿巨祸 但拗不0921过巴野顿。阿波罗正说明着如何在一定轨道驾驶太阳车时。巴野顿心高气傲?听都没听立刻跳上了车?疾驰而去!   结果当然很惨,地上的人们,动物?植物不是热死就是冻死,也乱了时间?弄得天错地暗?怨声载道,众神们为了遏止巴野顿?由天后希拉放出一支毒蝎!咬住7161了巴野顿的脚踝,而宙斯则用可怕的雷霆闪电击中了巴野顿,只见他惨叫一声堕落到地面。死了,  0379 人间又恢复了宁静!为了纪念那支也被闪电击毙的毒蝎!这个星座就被命名为“天蝎座”、   (3)天后朱娜命天蝎从阴暗的地底爬出来,攻击欧立安(orion,戴安娜所钟情的猎人!后化为猎户星座)、另外一次,天蝎施放毒气攻击正驾着太阳神马车经过的菲顿,而使丘比特有机会发射雷电。将奔跑中的太阳车击毁!?


  可能是,奥斯卡经典的电影歌曲?the rhythm of falling rain也有可能是!eminem的成名曲? stan

一个电影英文插曲 一个男的在车里睡着了 然后梦到自己在沙漠里弹吉他英文歌

  一个电影英文插曲 一个男的在车里睡着了   A man fell asleep in the car?

求一首英文歌 高潮部分的发音像是太阳晒~大山里飞~

  The Phoenix (火凤凰) (《FIFAonline3》游戏音乐) - Fall Out Boy (打倒男孩)   我也在找!哈哈。不知道你还1868需要么!天蝎座的英文歌