还津阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  My astrological sign is Sagittarius。


  一般习惯的说法是 What's your horoscope?,十二星座用英文怎么说




  Fate's Cruel Joke/Destiny's Cruel Joke.   楼主也可考虑以下说法:-   deceived by destiny (被命运欺骗)   torn apart by cruel destiny (被残酷的命运撕裂)   slain by treacherous fate.(被叵测的命运斩断)   (slain是slay的过去分式),

真实姓名 的英文怎么说

  Real name!


  You must / are sure to dream of/about us. You must / are sure to have a dream about us.?


The National Day is coming ,


  鸡年大吉   Good luck in the Year of Rooster.。

放下屠刀立地成佛 英文怎么说

7169  原词:字译——意译   放下屠刀立地成佛:drop one's cleaver and become a Buddha —— achieve salvation as soon as one gives up evil   平日不烧香、临时抱佛脚:never burn incense when all is well but clasp buddha's feet when in distress —— do nothing until last minute   人争一口气。佛争一炉香:As Buddha nees incense, so man needs self-respect.(不需意译)   一人得道、鸡犬升天:when a man attains the Tao, even his pets ascend to heaven —— when a man gets to the top, allhis friends and relations get there with him   八仙过海!各显神通:like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his or her special prowess.(不需意译)

鸡年英文怎么说 china daily

  鸡年英文怎么说 china daily   英文是Chinese year of rooster   rooster意思是公鸡   比较合适?