还津阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  如果是【照片上的人是你】的【是你】 就是 is you   如果是【想不到是你?】的【是你】 就是 Fancy being you!     希望有所帮助。。


  翻译结果:   'character is related to blood type',


  屎盆   Shit Basin   尿盆   Urinal。


  十二生肖琴棋书画   The twelve zodiac fancies of men of letters   重点词汇   *   十二生肖Chinese Zodiac、


  高官:dignitary 风水:geomancy?


  2253我给自己取了个英文名字!   可翻译为: I have chosen an English name for myself.、

好美的景色啊 英语怎么说

  1.What a beautiful scene!   How beautiful the scene is!   2.The scene of the top of the mountain is too beautiful   3.I want to climb to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise with you tomorrow morning.   4.l want to see the sunrise /sunset with you   5.I want to go to the beach to see the sunset with you   6.l want to go to the cinema to see a film with you two/three?


  八字扣_有道翻译   翻译结9926果:   Eight buttons?


  圣诞节是什么时候用英语怎么说   圣诞节是什么时候英语是:When is Christmas?   注意Christmas后面是不能再加day了   Christmas本身就是圣诞节的意思,天蝎座的英语怎么说


  I was born in the year of pig.!