还津阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


 5141 可以用自己名字拼音缩写?或者自己的英文名!或者你自己和恋人的名字的拼音缩写一起,

好女孩 英语怎么写的?

good girl ,


  The characteristics of the zodiac chicken   Chicken with bright feathers, is responsible by the heart, it is alively character, it is the chicken.   It has a very bright feathers the rooster feathers is the mostbright, some chicken feathers in the sun also made the light, very good, and the pure white chicken, looks very pure, and the cockfeathers are colorful, when I and partners often picked up the kind of hair play.   Every day it due diligence work, early in the morning, it is like an alarm clock on time report at.   It is very lively, later every day, it was never idle, not to, is run to that, not fly to it, is to fly there, very lively.   It has colorful feathers, due diligence, and some small things is chicken.   生肖鸡的特点   鸡有着鲜艳的羽毛。经有着尽责的心、它有着活泼的性格。它就是鸡。   它有羽毛很鲜艳由其是公鸡的羽2844毛是最为鲜艳的,有的鸡的羽毛在阳光下还发着幽光。好看极了!还有那纯白色的鸡,看起6186来很纯洁?而公鸡的羽毛都是五彩斑斓的。小时候我和伙伴经常捡起那种毛来玩的?   它每天尽职尽责的工作!每天清晨它就像闹钟一样的准时报着时、   它很活泼!它8493每天出笼以后?从不闲着?不是跑到 。就是跑到那,不是飞到这,就是飞到那,活泼极了,   这有着鲜艳羽毛,尽职尽责、活泼可有的小东西就是鸡??


  12生肖鸡   12 zodiac chicken   鸡   [名] (家禽的一种?也叫家鸡) chicken; chook;   [例句]鸡炸了窝了、   The chickens have all fled from their coop.!


  羊. 二+六=1067八=属相排位--羊。英语好的生肖


  你是我的专属   英语如下:   You are my own   你9065是我的专属   You are my single?


  削铅笔   Sharpen a pencil,


  jia,你最好还是7650自己写.好吗??   如果有不会的,俺帮你查,OK?   支持你哦   加油,




  boar猪 cock鸡 dog狗 dragon龙 hare兔 horse马 monkey猴 ox牛 rat鼠 sheep羊 snake蛇 tiger虎