还津阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  回答和翻译如下:     Rooster .     鸡 ?、


  十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac 鼠Rat 牛Ox 虎Tiger 兔Rabbit 龙Dragon 蛇Snake 马Horse 羊Goat 猴Money 鸡Rooster 狗Dog 猪Pig


  属相Zodiac,十二生肖的名称The name of the Chinese zodiac,奥巴马总统生于1961年,他属牛President Obama was born in 1961, his zodiac is cattle.本命年是Benming Year!


  你说的是现在1641完成时 意思是“我有做过一个梦吗 ” “我是不是在做梦”是现在进行时 应当是Am I dreaming?!


  高精度天平   High precision balance   重点词汇释义   4717高精度high-precision; high-accuracy,


  招财进宝树   英文翻译   Felicitous wish of making money tree!


  What's / What is your horoscope / Which horoscope/star sign are you? [你是什么星座! / 你是哪个星座?]   1. I'm (a) Capricorn [我是摩羯座]   2. My horoscope is Capricorn. [我的星座是摩羯座]     Horoscope可以用 Star Sign(星座)来代替、      属相。   What's/ What is your zodiac? [你的属相是什么,]   1.I'm a (属相,比如说:Dog/狗)[我是狗]   2.My zodiac is dog [我的属相是狗]   3.My animal is dog [我的动物是狗]   4.I was born on the year of the dog [我是在狗年出生的]?属相鸡用英语怎么说

遇到麻烦 的英语怎么说

  have a trouble     希望对你有所帮助、有不会的可以再问?祝学习进步?   您的及时采纳是对答题者的尊重,O(∩_∩)O~,




  1. He caught me napping. 他发现了我打盹,   来自《简明英汉词典》   2. He dozed off in the armchair. 他坐在扶手椅里打盹儿、   来自《现代汉英综合大词典》   3. He was dozing with a book open in his hands. 他在打盹,手上的书打开着    来自辞典例句   4. The dog lay dozing in front of the door. 小狗躺在门前打盹儿?   来自辞典例句   5. I found him snoozing out back of the house. 我在屋子后面发现了他!正打盹儿呢、   来自辞典例句。