还津阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  一 单项选择题(本大题共30小题!每小题2分、60分) 1.When a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes?what is she supposed to place an emphasis on if she says to the shop assistant?. A.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” B.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” C.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” D.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” 2.Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question. 一Where did he go next? A.He turned to the left at the end of the street. B.He turned to the left at the end of the street. C.He turned to the left at the end of the street. D.He turned to the left at the end of the street. 3.To the scientists’delight、their efforts have increased people’S__________of the importance of saving water. A.awareness B.commitment C.agreement D.response 4.The word“chronology”contains__________morphemes. A.fbur B.three C.two D.five 5.Judging from her speeches and behaviors,Mary has a strict__________. A.growth B.upbringing C.development D.cultivation 6.__________your valuable help?we couldn’t have finished the experiment ahead of time. A.If it were not for B.Had it not been for C.Were it not for   undefined   D.If it has not been for 7.It Was with great joy__________he knew that his GMAT score was 670、high enough to apply to a top university of business. A.when B.which C.what D.that 8.You can sleep on the couch in the lounge!__________you call go to a hotel nearby. A.and B.then C.or D.But 9.In most circumstances,the assumption Of cooperation is 80 pervasive that it can be stated as a cooperative principle of conversation and elaborated in maxims below except__________. A.manner maxim B.quality maxim C.quantity maxim D.agreement maxim 10.Despite differences in conversational style.speakers arehelped by automatic patterns in daily interactions such as“Hi”.“Hi”.known as“ __________ ”. A.adjacency pairs B.preference structure C.dispreference structure D.insertion sequence 1 1.To distinguish sounds,students are encouraged to practice__________. A.minimal paim B.nasal explosion C.constant clusters D.incomplete explosion 12.Which of the following assumptions about vocabulary learning contradicts the modern language teaching theories? A.The best way to learn words is to use them. B.The best way to learn vocabulary is to recite. C.An English dictionary is an important aid to students. D.Learning a word involves learning more than just the word itself. 13.When a teacher intends to introduce a new grammar item which of the following strategies can be used to get students to notice it? A.Transformation. B.Input enhancement.!


  一去不返三十三?上好鼓板敲七下, 狗   001期:迷迷糊糊听吠音。古木泉声空潭曲。 牛      002期:二五二六一起走,一三旺出可一博, 羊     003期:七相相伴四跟来、五六坐中不在前! 鸡     004期:四八运势三入功、七九5597可单可跟后、 狗  3765   005期:二五想出难在前!三二得六顺天意, 鼠     006期:狗前牛后鼠跟来!东方腾起作象徽? 龙     007期:鸡左猪右蛇通灵?名牌兴满三江水, 马     008期:好货能招四海宾,三石岗上五叶树! 虎     009期:红日下面二云飘!石逢草绿叶六片? 鼠     0102046期:八字葫芦引飞鸟!百无一用是书生 羊   2601  011期:孔子之言道理真,蛇前马后必有赢! 兔     012期:唤王一声金口开?忠诚厚道守门人! 蛇     013期:与之相比成懒汉 吃饱喝足光睡觉, 虎     014期:才高八斗走四方?白毛一身羊在追、 狗     015期:清清楚楚鸡叫声!要四得五伴一十 牛     016期:牛耕缘野千仓满、年前羊后毛儿卷? 猪     017期:一上有三再得四!二上合七随六七, 9548鸡     018期:二五分线各居高!单独看好三四九、 兔     019期:单买尾数是五六,合数必赢大钱来, 猴     020期:一生暖和穿棉衣、它一叫唤天必亮! 龙     021期:无欲则刚三六追!三杯美酒同时饮? 鹿     022期:有容乃大四五春.二七相让不相随, 兔     023期:一五来追二同行 三阳启瑞九州飞, 鼠     024期:花好月圆二八连。并蒂二美四二伴, 狗     025期:三二有四连上三,一八人和盛世千! 羊     026期:旭日七九同来伴!二天四时六兴旺, 猪     027期:舞动昆棒除妖魔 下窜下跳偷东西、 鸡     028期:独入上台无人赏,十九相送特码奖、 龙     029期:清清楚楚二七配。东宫辅政稳江山, 兔     030期:一点一滴从头起,二分为大可跟七 虎     031期:一亩良田十口人?三分春色三五追? 龙     032期:秋声正在八九月、月上树梢有五更! 鸡      033期:三追六七有一连。云四合一现跟七, 猴     0343337期:遍地金银一五间?二上四分三更连? 龙     035期:长得丑吃是也多?善中之王定是它, 羊     036期:一六飘落七知时?二七相见六思意, 鼠     037期:三五情缘八最知!二八追求五迟疑, 猴     038期:大特护国守边疆 3280妖妃叛乱夺朝纲。 虎     039期:三三出道五分明?手捧仙桃全身毛! 蛇     040期:一九相约六续来!四七欲开七徘徊, 马     041期:二三风雨十同舟?三一上场五相求? 猴     042期:一世英雄垂青史!8817生性风流惹是非。 牛     043期:一三开出四五随!良将出征平叛乱, 兔      044期:四九分拆一居中,平码有十添一刻? 鼠     045期:三虎五龙论输赢?人效黄牛心白责! 龙     046期:岁朝寅虎劲更高,子夜佳章茅盾着、 羊     047期:鼠偷奇案况钟察,做亏事心夜怕鬼、 鼠     048期:东湖有三家酒楼!一鸣惊人天下白, 龙      049期:莺歌燕舞春添喜!西2791方日出没人见, 狗     050期:猪去鼠来景焕新!软碧摇烟似送人! 羊     051期:白兔玉损猴伤心 映花时把翠眉颦, 鸡      052期:丑去寅来人益健,家家有本1991难念经! 兔     053期:和尚从来不杀生!装模作样真计厌? 蛇     05......余下全文>>!


  您好我的朋友,我觉得这里最有可能的生肖就是鼠   所以数字指向都是第一个生肖鼠   谜底答案经常有无厘头的状况、所以说上面的内容仅供您参考,请谨慎行事哦,   希望可以帮到您 !






  虎 因为第二和第九中间二位定、也就是定在2和90537之间的第2位、前面加上1位?就是3!生肖第3位是“虎”?




  鼠,牛?虎?兔!龙!蛇!马?羊?猴、鸡!狗,猪?分别是羊和猪、但是一般应该泛指其他属性吧 不是单独指一种属性的,祝您早日解除烦恼、开心快乐 健康积极地学习,工作,生活,?


  Ⅰ. 1. sports 2. Let‟s 3. basketballs 4. sounds 5. collection 6. has 7. watches 8. difficult 9.interesting 10. boring Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:你有两只乒乓球拍吗,由two可知bat的形式应3718是复数?故选A 2. B 题意:“这些是什么!”“8362它们是足球,”由these可知答语中主语的形式应是复数!应用they来指代,所以答案为B。 3. D 题意:她每天做运动 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第1029三人称单数形式 play的第三人称单数是plays。否定形式应是doesn‟t play?故选D! 4. B 题意:你看电视吗? look at强调动作 see强5037调看的内容?“看电视”和“看球赛”一般用watch 由于do引导的一般疑问句后跟动词原形?所以不用watches?故选B。 5. A 题意:“我们4530看电视吧 ”“不?听起来很无聊?我们打篮球吧、” boring意为“无聊的”,interesting和fun意为“有趣的”?difficult“困难的”!根据题意应选A项? 6. C 题意:“我们踢足球吧,”“听起来好极了!”球类前不加冠词?故选C? 7. D 题意:8218“你的弟弟有钢笔吗。”“是的!他有!”does引导的一般疑问句的肯定答语应是Yes, he does.故选D! 8. A 题意:我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛?“在电视上”应用介词on? 9. C 题意:他不打棒球 由于he是第三人称单数?所以助动词为does,否定形式为doesn‟t?does后跟动词原形?be动词后不能跟动词原形,故选C。 10. A 题意:我妈妈喜欢排球?她认为排球令人轻松、relaxing “令人轻松的”。boring“无聊的”!difficult“困难的”?not good“不好的”!根据题意应选A? 11. D 题意:“我们打网球吧。”“听起来不错、”根据题意应是“听起来”而不是“看起来”,又由于that是单数所以动词要用第三人称单数形式!故选D。 12. B 题意:我爸爸有十只网球拍。he为第三人称单数, have的第三人称单数是has?故选B, 13. A 题意:我们喜欢足球?我们有五个足球,根据题意是 “喜欢足球”!we是复数?所以like用原形,故选A! 14. D 题意:“你们有电视机吗 ”“是的?我们有 ”本句是do引导的一般疑问句。由于do是助动词!所以肯定答语应是Yes, we do.故选D, 15. C 题意:我们玩电脑游戏吧, let后跟不带to的不定式 结构为let sb. do sth.!故选C!Ⅲ. 1. has 2. don‟t 3. them 4. sounds 5.doesn‟t Ⅳ. 1. What does!have 2. Does!have,No,doesn‟t 3. don‟t play 4. They have rackets 5. Does he like Ⅴ. 1. plays sports 2. Do have 3. Let‟s play 4. soundsinteresting 5. watch; on Ⅵ. 1. A 根据句意是做自我介绍?所以应是“我的”名字、 2. C 句意是“我有两个朋友”、I是第一人称、所以用动词原形have? 3. C 从下文人名可确定是sisters?如果是朋友、friend应用复数形式? 4. A their是形容词性物主代词“他们的” B项和C项是单数形式、D项“我们的”不符合句意! 5. B all指三者或三者以上,A C!D三项都是单数形式, 6. B I是第一人称?所以用动词原形like?A项不合逻辑, 7. D 由too“也”可知两人的爱好是一样的,都是soccer ball 8. C 句意是“她有三个篮球”,she是6872第三人称单数,所以应是has ? 9. B 句意是“我们放学后打篮球”!we是复数,后用动词原形,be动词后不跟动词原形!所以C项不正确。 10. A 表示“在电视上”应用介词on!Ⅶ. 1. A 根据文中第三句话“I have a sister but I don‟t have a brother.”可知答案为A。 2. D 根据文中“I like sports.”“I collect 4 tennis rackets.”和“I like ping-pong, too.”可知答案为D、 3. C 根据文中“I play ping-pongwith my friends.”可知答案为C、 4. B 根据短文内容可知Becky是11岁? Becky没有兄弟, Becky也喜欢乒乓球 只有B3993项和原文相符、 5. B 根据短文的最后几句话可知Becky是想交朋友!故选B, 6. 54 balls 7. Yes, theydo. 8. Neal 9. No, he doesn‟t. 10. She likesvolleyball. Ⅷ. 1. C 2. G 3. F 4. D 5. A Ⅸ. One possibleversion: My good friend I have a good friend. His name is Tim. He likes sports.He has a small sports collection. He has five baseballs, eight volleyballs,four soccer balls and three basketballs. He plays sports every day.。

猜生肖 排行老大站中间

  答案:虎   解释:常言道:虎头蛇尾!按理说?老虎应3282该排老大、但实际上老鼠却排在了十   二属相的第一。老虎在“鼠”与“蛇”之间!、