还津阁 >风水知识


  1。What will human beings and animals be like without water?2,The problem about lacking water is becoming more and more serious,whose reasons are the development of agriculture and industry and pollution.3?Measures should be taken to solve the problems about lacking water ,making full use of ,avoiding pollution and refining the rain and sea water.?


  再怎么保护 北方水还是不够用的额!


  你好!主2771要有以下措施:   1?农业采用滴灌,或者喷灌、   2。牧业采取轮流放牧的方式,   3、海水淡化!利用地下水。跨流域调水,兴修水利!   你好、很高兴为你解答,为梦想而生团队为你服务,希望对你有帮助!?缺水解决措施英语作文


  According to the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, the water crisis in Africa has resulted in 6000 deaths each year, about 300 million African population due to lack of water and live a poor life. In the next 20 years, at least 500 million people will live in a difficult situation because of lack of water. This will further lead to their lack of water for irrigation of crops, so that agricultural production will continue to reduce. Experts believe that the next 23 years, due to the lack of enough water, food production in Africa will be reduced by 23%. And some experts think, natural water resources in Africa does not lack, but poor African didn't manage these valuable water resources, so that the situation of water resources crisis is becoming more and more serious. Africa is currently 1/3 of the population lack of drinking water, while nearly half of Africans because of drinking unclean water and stained glass analysts believe that if the current lack of drinking water status was not improved, then in 2010 at least 17 African countries will be seriously short of water, and water resources are also likely to become a dispute or conflict between some African countries fuse.According to statistics, in order to solve the problem of shortage of water resources in Africa's population, the annual need to invest $20 billion. At present, some African countries, water supply investment accounted for only 1% of the budget. Experts pointed out that the water shortage will be a potential factor leading to social conflicts and political conflict, water supply difficulties will be the economic development of the African people and the health of life brings a huge crisis.?


  my dream   as is widely acknowledged,dream plays an important part in our life ,with which we make our lives meaningful. But dreams vary from person to person.some want to be teacher to educted the next generation;others prefer to be policeman or police so that they can prevent us from being harm.   As far as i' concerned,my dream is to be a person who have a good knowledge about food and nutrition .To be a people like that ,not only can I have a frast of food,but also i can help others to built up theirs bodies and keep health.At the same time,I want to realise my dream by learning hard about all knowledge on food and nutrition ant I keep my resolve to achieve my dream.,




  再造山川秀美的大西北。2057必须搞好绿化!但绿化需要用水!植树可以改造气候与环境!但不能解决工程缺水问题!     (6)改善生态环境使消耗水资源持续增长(转引自拙作《策解中国水9905问题》“绪论”)     改善生态环境,植树造林成为消鼎水资源的重要因素之一。1175有些专家认为、黄河断流虽然令人揪心。但从侧面反映了黄河中上游植树造林取得了一定的成果 植被增加与黄河流域径流量呈负相关关系,为了改善自然环境?我国先后实施了“三北”防护林体系工程,长江中上游防护林体系工程?黄河中游防护林体系工程!太行山绿化工程?防沙治沙工程 淮河太湖流域综合治理防护林体系工程、等等?2000年初,中国科学院!中国工程院等单位又为国家论证了《长江上游,黄河上中游造林绿化工程总体规划》!该规划的目标是:1998年全面停止这些地区的森林采伐活动!实行森林保护与富余职工分流安置。实行“以粮代赈,个体承包”!退田还林。宜林荒山荒地造林绿化、2010年、使天然林资源基本恢复。逐步实现木材生产向经营利用人工林的转变?缓解人口、经济?资源和环境之间的矛盾!随着植树造林步伐的加快,生态环境用水量将呈现大幅度上升趋势,     改造生态环境?植树造林对改善小气候。防止水土流失、保护7574生物多样性、减少洪水、改善当地水质具有良好的效益?但植被生长,要消耗一定的水资源,必然减少区域径流总量,中国林业大学王礼先教授(1999)指出:一定区域的产水总量与植树造林呈负相关关系,在造林的流域比无森林的流域可减少洪水总量6.5倍?以山西清水河流域为例!20世纪60年代与80年代相比较!森林覆盖率增加30%?径流量则减少了15.9~60.5% 说明西北地区实现“山川秀美”计划这一改造生态环境的伟大工程 对黄河流域水资源总量的自然配置必将带来一定的影响?有关专家估计!目前由于水土保持减少的黄河径流量年均为30亿立方米?在我国北方水资源已趋严重短缺的情况下?要使改善生态环境与国民经济协调发展!惟一办法是为本区补充新的水源!、


  必须采取措施 避免火灾?   英语翻译:Measures must be taken to avoid fire.   重点词汇释义:   Measures:梅热斯; 措施; 程度   must be:必须; 一定要   taken:拿( take的过去分词); 接受; 取得   avoid:避开,避免 预防; 使无效?撤销 废止   避免   英文:avoid; refrain from; avert; prevent sth. happening; abstain   火灾   英文:fire (as a disaster); conflagration!


  迁用“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”诠释着自己对幸福的理解,而登上岳阳楼的范仲淹面对滚滚的江水,吟诵着“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,以此为幸福.   感叹古人对幸福的深刻理解,我也渐渐得出自己要的幸福究竟是什么样的.它不是千金的财富,不是受人注目的地位,而是为人,为别人着想的奉献,是付出,这就是我要的幸福.   一份有自己声音的幸福   作家朵拉有一句至理名言:第一个孩子都是一滴有自己声音的水.因而引发了我,我觉得每一份幸福也正如那一滴有自己声音的水,你可以选择其滴落的方式,但它的声音你别无选择.   人打一落地,便是一个生命个体,有自己必须经历的人生,有自己的理想抱负,更有着对幸福不同的诠释.假如,真的只有当幸福失去后才知道幸福的可贵,那么还有谁有勇气去追寻幸福呢?。


  华北平原地区的植被在历史上经历过大规模的砍伐,植被覆盖率极低,因而一旦有降水,全部汇集为地表径流流走,并带走大量表层土壤.失去植被保护的地表很难涵养水源.而且,华北平原地处温带季风气候,降水量相对较少,所以该地区较缺水.   要解决缺水的问题,当务之急是扩大植被覆盖率,增强地表涵养水源的能力.其次需要发动全民节水运动,减少水资源不必要的利用.对于用水量较大的单位应限制其用水量.第三需要进行污水的净化与治理,加大水资源的利用率.对于生成污水较多的单位,需责令其净化污水,以达到节水的目的.?