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五行诗关于爱情的 英语

  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever?


  cinquain五行诗英语五行诗:第一行由一个名词组成。第二行由两个形容词组成、第三行4840由三个动词组成,第四行由四个单词组成!第五行由一个名词组成,如:BrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingFriend and enemy tooMine!


  bird   beautiful ? brisk   singing dancing flying   fly here and there   free!


  今4128年春节、我和爸爸?妈妈到海南旅游?让我最难忘的是大海、好美啊。有沙滩 海浪!贝壳?我一会在沙滩上玩沙!一5623会在海水中拾贝壳,真有趣呀?望远处看分不清哪是天?哪是海 妈妈告诉我这是海天一色、这就是大海的魅力,小朋友你们有去过大海吗!谁能帮我用英语写一篇短文字数四五行就行了。(切记用、


  【马诗灏】的姓名综合评分:78分   【马】。 繁体:马! 拼音:mǎ! 五行:水! 笔划:10 姓名学解释 :清雅多才,中年劳或奔波。晚年吉祥。(吉)   【诗】, 繁体:诗? 拼音:shī。 五行:金、 笔划:13 姓名学解释 :多才贤能!理智充足,官运旺?中年成功隆昌!出国之字!(吉)   【灏】! 繁体:灝! 拼音:hào, 五行:水, 笔划:25。 姓名学解释 :操守廉正 医界大吉!官运旺!中年成功隆昌!富贵之字!(吉),


 5258 林花扫更落,径草踏还生   唐 孟浩然《春中喜王九相寻》   二月湖水清 家家春鸟鸣   唐 盂浩然《春中喜王九相寻》   闻道春还未相识 走傍寒梅访消息   唐 李白《早春寄王汉阳》   寒雪梅中尽!春风柳上归   唐 李白《宫中行乐词八首》忆江南 白居易   日出江花红似火。春来江水绿绿如蓝?   山寺月中听桂子?郡亭枕上看潮头。   钱塘湖春行 白居易    孤山寺北贾亭西。水面初平云脚低?   几处早莺争暖树!谁家新燕啄春泥,   乱花渐欲迷人眼!浅草才能没马蹄。   最爱湖东行不足?绿树阴里白沙堤?    春雪 韩愈   新年都未有芳华?二月初惊见草芽!   白雪却嫌春色晚 故穿庭树作飞花,   初春小雨 韩 愈    天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无!   最是一年春好处。绝胜烟柳满皇都?   晚春 韩 愈   草树知春不久归?5045百般红紫斗芳菲,   杨花0135榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞、?

谁可以帮我写一首英语的五行诗 原创的

  Winter 冬天 Frigidity Happy 寒冷?快乐 Uninteresting、Freshing?Snowing 干燥 清新!雪亮 Week in,week out 周而复始 Endless 永无止境 描写母亲的英语五行诗


  维嘉组《在!也不见》   每时每刻 你在(何炅)   梦中惊醒 你不在(维嘉)   晨醒时分 你.....在(唐嫣)   夜幕时分 你不在(魏大勋)   所以 你到底 在 不在(吴昕)   谢娜组《在?也不见》   每时每刻 你在(何炅)   像风一样的少年(李晨)   微微吹拂的风帆(郝蕾)   海纳百川的惊涛骇浪之中(海涛)   见 不如 不见(谢娜)   谢娜组《也是醉了》   迷迷糊糊晃晃悠悠(郝蕾)   来来往往去去留留(李晨)   上上下下哭哭笑笑(何炅)   喵喵汪汪颠颠倒倒(海涛)   噼里啪啦一个大嘴巴(谢娜)   维嘉组《也是醉了》   醉 也是醒着(维嘉)   醒 又何尝不是一种醉(何炅)   醉 醉了就睡(唐嫣)   醒 醒了再醉(魏大勋)   于是 醉成了罪(吴昕),


  The Last Rose of Summer   'Tis the last rose of summer,   Left blooming alone,   All her lovely companions   Are faded and gone.   No flower of her kindred,   No rose bud is nigh,   To reflect back her blushes,   Or give sigh for sigh.   I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,   To pine on the stem,   Since the lovely are sleeping,   Go sleep thou with them.   Thus kindly I scatter   Thy leaves o'er the bed   Where thy mates of the garden   Lie scentless and dead.   So soon may I follow,   When friendships decay,   And from Love's shining circle   The gems drop away!   When true hearts lie withered   And fond ones are flown   Oh! who would inhabit   This bleak world alone?   The Coming of Light   by Mark Strand   Even this late it happens:   the coming of love, the coming of light.   You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,   stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,   sending up warm bouquets of air.   Even this late the bones of the body shine   and tomorrow's dust flares into breath.   Trees   by Joyce Kilmer   I think that I shall never see   A poem lovely as a tree   A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed   Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast   A three that looks at God all day   And lifts her leafy arms to pray   A tree that may in Summer wear   A nest of robins in her hair   Upon whose bosom snow has lain   Who intimately lives with rain   Poems are made by fools like me   But only god can make a tree!


  唐·韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》   天街小雨润如酥!草色遥看近却无?最是6543一年春好处?绝胜烟柳满皇都,、